Confronting a Culture of Fear & Darkness

The Allure

Fear and darkness carry an allure that can be difficult to resist. They tap into our human sense of curiosity, and our survival instincts, driving our engagement and fascination with them. Each element has its place. Fear allows us to set boundaries with the world, so that we can live peaceful and productive lives. Darkness is a natural phenomenon, gently ushering us into our time of rest until the sun rises again.

Fear Untamed

However, we must recognize fear and darkness have a sinister side to them. Fear untamed will consume the soul, pitting it against every other soul. It will banish the bearer of it into a state of panic and desperate isolation. Escaping such an acute desperation and anxiety requires a horrendous effort, for one finds themselves perpetually pulled down by the same. So, it must be said, no individual in his right mind wishes another soul enters such a state of mind.

Facing Darkness

But what of darkness? All men face a darkness in their soul, distinct from the darkness found in nature. This other darkness is a bearer of great distress. It is impregnated with heaviness, giving birth to human despondency, whereby the heart is stripped of a desire for life and left wallowing in the pain filled mire of hopelessness. This is a horrid state indeed, an abyss no one willingly seeks to enter.

The Element of Evil

Evil is the other element of this form of darkness and its sibling is fear. When one finds themselves enticed by the allure of evil, and opens the door of their heart to it, they cross a threshold to that which lies beyond unaware it will be to their detriment. They enjoy the journey for a time, for evil only offers temporal forms of pleasure, deceiving the wanderer to the grand destruction which awaits them nearby. Let there be no mistaking it, destruction will follow regardless of whether one has convinced their heart that evil is somehow good. Such is the nature of evil.

Manifestations in Society

How does any of this manifest in society? Humankind has sought, and will always seek, to use fear and darkness to its advantage. This is because fear and darkness pervade every heart. Certain souls seek to escape its grasp, then turn their energies toward helping others acquire freedom. Others revel in it, while some go further, wielding it to obtain positions of power and success, and to create structures in society reflective of the evil which lies in their heart. This latter element of humankind is willing to accomplish its desired ends at the expense of others.

The Offering

They will bind them in fear, and subjugate them with the power they’ve obtained, in hopes of their subjects remaining unaware of what is taking place, while convincing them that yielding their freedom and power is for the benefit of humankind. How often will this unfortunate pattern occur, this offering of freedom and power to those who promise them everything, only to find their cherished freedom and safety removed and being used against them. It is only when they are willing to see what is taking place, and decide to turn the tables, that they begin to reclaim their power, safety, and freedom.

Hearts of Courage

This reclamation is accomplished by hearts of courage leading other hearts into courage, so that together evil and darkness may be fettered. Such gatherings have taken place in the world before, where courageous souls sacrificed their all to reclaim their freedom and power, and stop the havoc of evil. They did so for their generation, and generations to come. But, how often do subsequent generations forget what was reclaimed, and invite into the world the same cycle of evil and darkness prior generations resisted so vehemently?

Dispelling Fear & Darkness

This happens when younger generations cast aside the knowledge of history, and pridefully assume the right to welcome fear and darkness back into the world. It’s not that fear and darkness are ever gone, but that they are welcomed. This welcoming is tied to their allure, and a willful ignorance, which seeks to validate the sinister sides of fear and darkness as good. Only the light of God can dispel fear and darkness, for it is something they cannot pursue or restrain. It is seated in justice and will subjugate them once for all in the end. In the meantime, those joined to the light, must hold tightly to what is true about the light, fear, and darkness lest they join in the deception of the masses.

Eric Gomez
Marriage & Family Therapist
Fulfilled Christian Counseling