
Healing & Escaping From Pornography Use (My Story)

Healing & Escaping From Pornography Use (My Story)

Pornography is a bane to any society and it wreaks havoc in the lives of those who turn to it for pleasure and connection, or who seek to escape from the pains of daily life. Once caught in its grasp, getting free can feel like an impossible task, especially when you find yourself battling with it alone, hiding in secrecy and hoping no one will every find out that pornography has become a part of your life.

I know what this sense of impossibility and isolation feels like. I felt it for many years, during my own struggle with pornography.

Freedom From Pornography Through Vulnerability

Freedom From Pornography Through Vulnerability

Many individuals desire to break patterns of pornography use in their lives, however they are often uncertain how to begin that process. This article addresses how vulnerability can be a powerful first step in this regard, while also addressing how one's Christian faith can help them navigate through a culture saturated with pornographic content. 

Building a Fulfilled Marriage (Curiosity in Communication)

Building a Fulfilled Marriage (Curiosity in Communication)

Healthy marital communication doesn't simply happen. It takes the use of certain skill sets, such as curiosity, to help us begin experiencing a more fulfilled marriage. This post takes a closer look into the application of curiosity, its impact on the development of healthy communication that serves to build trust and intimacy within a marriage, and it's relevance to the application our Christian faith on a daily basis with our spouse.