
Recognizing Our Desperate Need for Salvation

Recognizing Our Desperate Need for Salvation

The more I consider the phenomenon of human nature, individually and societally, it becomes increasingly evident mankind is in desperate need of salvation from the inescapable presence of sin. Such evidence is found within the heart, with all of its vices and intrigues externally manifested in all of the hatred, destruction, and abuses permeating the world in which we live.

The Essential Need for Boundaries & Proactivity in Marriage

The Essential Need for Boundaries & Proactivity in Marriage

If anyone tells you that doing the work of marriage is easy, you would be wise to reconsider the proposition. The reality is that establishing a strong and healthy marriage takes work, and lots of it over the course of time. This is not to imply that you should be scared or intimidated by the notion of marriage. On the other hand, it indicates couples can benefit greatly from being well acquainted with the principles enabling husbands and wives to effectively work together in creating a relationship where each person feels loved, cherished, and valued. This article sets forth two of these essential principles.

The Centrality of God When Life Goes Dark

The Centrality of God When Life Goes Dark

There are moments when our lives, once filled with clarity and ambition, are slowed by the weightiness of uncertainty, distress, and a diminution of focus. This is a hard place to enter into, particularly when it is coupled with the loss of energy, the sense that everything around us is falling apart, and the complexity of the question, “Lord, what am I needing to do?” When emotionally pressed in this manner, we may easily find ourselves wondering why we are in such a position.

Psalm 51: Create in Me a Clean Heart

Psalm 51: Create in Me a Clean Heart

I woke up this morning reflecting on the nature of the soul, and the many wrestlings I find taking place in my own heart. It’s not difficult to see how there are many workings in that space needing to be addressed and taken to God in a manner whereby he can continue his work of sanctification. In the midst of this reflection, Psalm 51:10 came to mind…

The Church & Preserving the Truth of the Gospel

The Church & Preserving the Truth of the Gospel

Ever since the inception of the early church, fervent efforts have been made to preserve the Gospel message from doctrines or heresies challenging and contradicting the truth found therein. The apostle Paul was ardent in such efforts, and clearly articulated his views on the matter in his letter to the church at Galatia…

Why I Offer Christian-Based Counseling

Why I Offer Christian-Based Counseling

After a recent presentation to a group of therapists on marriage counseling, I was approached by a former professor who was in attendance. He came to where I was standing and asked me to clarify what made Christian counseling distinct from other clinical approaches. I recall providing a brief response, but we didn’t have time to fully explore the issue. The reality is there are multiple reasons I practice as a Christian counselor. I’ll explore a few of these reasons in this article, and identify what I believe makes Christian counseling a truly distinct and meaningful endeavor.

Healing & Escaping From Pornography Use (My Story)

Healing & Escaping From Pornography Use (My Story)

Pornography is a bane to any society and it wreaks havoc in the lives of those who turn to it for pleasure and connection, or who seek to escape from the pains of daily life. Once caught in its grasp, getting free can feel like an impossible task, especially when you find yourself battling with it alone, hiding in secrecy and hoping no one will every find out that pornography has become a part of your life.

I know what this sense of impossibility and isolation feels like. I felt it for many years, during my own struggle with pornography.

Essentials of Rebuilding Trust in Marriage

Essentials of Rebuilding Trust in Marriage

Contrary to the popular notion, time doesn't heal all wounds. Rose Kennedy put it this way: "It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.' I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens, but it is never gone." Her statement precisely illustrates what I see married couples experience when the trust between them is lost.

Deviating From a Vain and Selfish Heart

Deviating From a Vain and Selfish Heart

Pride is one of the greatest hinderances to us recognizing the value of other people. It creates an inner myopia constricting our vision to what we need, desire and believe is important while leading us to believe we have the right to exploit, harm and ignore others to achieve those aims. Moreover, it serves as the basis for justifying our actions, however destructive they may be, as being moral, legal, healthy and right. 

Men, Lust and Lions

Men, Lust and Lions

How easy it would be today for a Christian man to lose sight of God and His Word, in a world consumed by notions of success and having more of the materialistic or natural pleasures found therein. From a secular standpoint, this is to be expected. However, these ideologies have infiltrated the Church, whereby what is often taught from the pulpit more readily aligns with these worldly notions, and strays from sound doctrine regarding the Gospel. 

Fulfilled Christian Counseling (Getting Started)

Fulfilled Christian Counseling (Getting Started)

Fulfilled Christian Counseling has officially launched! Read more about how this exciting adventure started, while exploring the calling behind Fulfilled Christian Counseling that fuels who we are as an organization. We look forward to joining with you in the days ahead as we aim to build families, strengthen marriages, and help others break free of the bonds of pornography in their lives.