
Recognizing Our Desperate Need for Salvation

Recognizing Our Desperate Need for Salvation

The more I consider the phenomenon of human nature, individually and societally, it becomes increasingly evident mankind is in desperate need of salvation from the inescapable presence of sin. Such evidence is found within the heart, with all of its vices and intrigues externally manifested in all of the hatred, destruction, and abuses permeating the world in which we live.

Grace, Guilt, & Navigating Life's Disappointments

Grace, Guilt, & Navigating Life's Disappointments

The reality of our human condition is embedded imperfection, the presence of sin, and the inevitability of facing various disappointments in life. Such disappointments often register at a deep emotional level…and can send us spiraling into places of guilt, self-loathing, despondency, and depression if not managed carefully.