
Recognizing Our Desperate Need for Salvation

Recognizing Our Desperate Need for Salvation

The more I consider the phenomenon of human nature, individually and societally, it becomes increasingly evident mankind is in desperate need of salvation from the inescapable presence of sin. Such evidence is found within the heart, with all of its vices and intrigues externally manifested in all of the hatred, destruction, and abuses permeating the world in which we live.

Experiencing Calm & Constructive Communication in Marriage

Experiencing Calm & Constructive Communication in Marriage

Although marital conflict and the experience of strong emotions is unavoidable, healthy marital communication requires that husbands and wives recognize when their communication has broken down, and apply emotional and conversational boundaries serving to help them remain calm when navigating important issues in their relationship. Let’s take a few moments to consider steps couples can take to help have calm and constructive communication.

Moving Forward When We Feel Lost in Life

Moving Forward When We Feel Lost in Life

The path through life is never clear. It is an unpredictable journey where our decisions and unforeseen variables contribute to us reaching certain junctures where feel utterly lost. I've experienced these feelings myself, and have listened to many others recount the difficulty of being in this position. It's in these places some degree of change or forward progress is desired, but the solutions and details as to how to make such changes occur remain elusive. The result is a deep frustration, anxiety, sadness or sense of being trapped wherein we find ourselves asking: What should I do?