
The Essential Need for Boundaries & Proactivity in Marriage

The Essential Need for Boundaries & Proactivity in Marriage

If anyone tells you that doing the work of marriage is easy, you would be wise to reconsider the proposition. The reality is that establishing a strong and healthy marriage takes work, and lots of it over the course of time. This is not to imply that you should be scared or intimidated by the notion of marriage. On the other hand, it indicates couples can benefit greatly from being well acquainted with the principles enabling husbands and wives to effectively work together in creating a relationship where each person feels loved, cherished, and valued. This article sets forth two of these essential principles.

Moving Forward When We Feel Lost in Life

Moving Forward When We Feel Lost in Life

The path through life is never clear. It is an unpredictable journey where our decisions and unforeseen variables contribute to us reaching certain junctures where feel utterly lost. I've experienced these feelings myself, and have listened to many others recount the difficulty of being in this position. It's in these places some degree of change or forward progress is desired, but the solutions and details as to how to make such changes occur remain elusive. The result is a deep frustration, anxiety, sadness or sense of being trapped wherein we find ourselves asking: What should I do?

Psalm 51: Create in Me a Clean Heart

Psalm 51: Create in Me a Clean Heart

I woke up this morning reflecting on the nature of the soul, and the many wrestlings I find taking place in my own heart. It’s not difficult to see how there are many workings in that space needing to be addressed and taken to God in a manner whereby he can continue his work of sanctification. In the midst of this reflection, Psalm 51:10 came to mind…

Why I Offer Christian-Based Counseling

Why I Offer Christian-Based Counseling

After a recent presentation to a group of therapists on marriage counseling, I was approached by a former professor who was in attendance. He came to where I was standing and asked me to clarify what made Christian counseling distinct from other clinical approaches. I recall providing a brief response, but we didn’t have time to fully explore the issue. The reality is there are multiple reasons I practice as a Christian counselor. I’ll explore a few of these reasons in this article, and identify what I believe makes Christian counseling a truly distinct and meaningful endeavor.

Moment of Reflection: Finding Rest in the Lord

Moment of Reflection: Finding Rest in the Lord

When we feel lost, and like our way is uncertain, we can find rest in the Lord. When our hearts are heavy, and we’re unsure how to move forward, we can find rest in the Lord. When it would be easy to sink into our frailty, we can find rest in the Lord. When decisions are required, and risks abound, we can proceed with courage and find rest in the Lord.

Challenging Common Stigmas About Counseling

Challenging Common Stigmas About Counseling

Stigmas, or myths of counseling, reflect the negative personal or cultural biases which commonly prevent people from obtaining the wisdom or counsel needed for them to move forward in life. I challenge these myths one by one in this article.

5 Essential Benefits of Premarital Counseling

5 Essential Benefits of Premarital Counseling

Marriage is a beautiful endeavor when built upon the proper foundation. Premarital counseling is fundamental to properly building that foundation, and couples who invest their time, money and energy into the process will continuously reap the benefits of that decision over the course of time. This article outlines five essential benefits of premarital counseling.