
Why I Offer Christian-Based Counseling

Why I Offer Christian-Based Counseling

After a recent presentation to a group of therapists on marriage counseling, I was approached by a former professor who was in attendance. He came to where I was standing and asked me to clarify what made Christian counseling distinct from other clinical approaches. I recall providing a brief response, but we didn’t have time to fully explore the issue. The reality is there are multiple reasons I practice as a Christian counselor. I’ll explore a few of these reasons in this article, and identify what I believe makes Christian counseling a truly distinct and meaningful endeavor.

Men, Humility & The Courage to Seek Help From Others

Men, Humility & The Courage to Seek Help From Others

The process of change in heart of any man begins with humility and a willingness to seek help from others. It’s how we develop and mature in the process of reaching our full potential in all areas of life. Both elements are essential in this regard, however men will often shy away from them because they challenge what we’ve been taught about masculinity, either by our families or the broader culture (i.e., vulnerability is a form of weakness; men have to be strong, independent, emotionless and aggressive).