
Challenging Common Stigmas About Counseling

Challenging Common Stigmas About Counseling

Stigmas, or myths of counseling, reflect the negative personal or cultural biases which commonly prevent people from obtaining the wisdom or counsel needed for them to move forward in life. I challenge these myths one by one in this article.

5 Essential Benefits of Premarital Counseling

5 Essential Benefits of Premarital Counseling

Marriage is a beautiful endeavor when built upon the proper foundation. Premarital counseling is fundamental to properly building that foundation, and couples who invest their time, money and energy into the process will continuously reap the benefits of that decision over the course of time. This article outlines five essential benefits of premarital counseling.

Essentials of Rebuilding Trust in Marriage

Essentials of Rebuilding Trust in Marriage

Contrary to the popular notion, time doesn't heal all wounds. Rose Kennedy put it this way: "It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.' I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens, but it is never gone." Her statement precisely illustrates what I see married couples experience when the trust between them is lost.

Deviating From a Vain and Selfish Heart

Deviating From a Vain and Selfish Heart

Pride is one of the greatest hinderances to us recognizing the value of other people. It creates an inner myopia constricting our vision to what we need, desire and believe is important while leading us to believe we have the right to exploit, harm and ignore others to achieve those aims. Moreover, it serves as the basis for justifying our actions, however destructive they may be, as being moral, legal, healthy and right. 

Parents, Children, and Needed Conversations About Pornography

Parents, Children, and Needed Conversations About Pornography

Parents, have you recently asked, "What can I do to protect my child from being exposed to pornography?" If so, we're of the same mind. As a father of two young boys, and Marriage & Family Therapist, I am also concerned knowing this substance has become a prevalent part of our world that can be easily accessed through many different avenues. I speak from experience, having been first exposed to porn when I was a child and having seen its effects on my life and on my marriage. The fact is that our children are extremely vulnerable, not simply to being exposed to pornography, but to the real potential of developing an addiction to it through continued usage over time.

Freedom From Pornography Through Vulnerability

Freedom From Pornography Through Vulnerability

Many individuals desire to break patterns of pornography use in their lives, however they are often uncertain how to begin that process. This article addresses how vulnerability can be a powerful first step in this regard, while also addressing how one's Christian faith can help them navigate through a culture saturated with pornographic content. 

Building a Fulfilled Marriage (Curiosity in Communication)

Building a Fulfilled Marriage (Curiosity in Communication)

Healthy marital communication doesn't simply happen. It takes the use of certain skill sets, such as curiosity, to help us begin experiencing a more fulfilled marriage. This post takes a closer look into the application of curiosity, its impact on the development of healthy communication that serves to build trust and intimacy within a marriage, and it's relevance to the application our Christian faith on a daily basis with our spouse.