
Welcome to our Fulfilled Christian Counseling podcast webpage, where you can listen to the latest information from us on important relational, clinical and cultural topics. 

Peace in the Midst of Pandemonium In Our World

Our world is experiencing pandemonium as it tries to navigate all things related to the COVID pandemic. This podcast considers Mark 4:35-41 and Isaiah 26:3, and what these texts have to say about maintaining our peace in the midst of all of the chaos in our world. (Music by Sergey Cheremisinov / Creative Commons License

Have We Treated Our Sexuality Too Lightly?

What are the effects of allowing human sexuality to be treated lightly in our American society and in our broader world? I address this question while considering how we can challenge ourselves and others to be different, namely in terms of choosing to avoid objectifying others and becoming selfish or soulless people. 

Mom's, Children, and Needed Conversations About Pornography

Parent's are the primary rampart for their children against the onslaught of pornography and the sexual exploitation so prevalent in our culture. However, they may have questions as to how to engage their children in conversation about these topics or be uncertain as to when they should begin. For example, they may ask: "What should I say? Is my child too young?" These are legitimate questions I address in a recent presentation I gave at the Restoring Hearts Conference earlier this year in Bellevue, WA called Mom's, Children and Needed Conversations About Pornography. Restoring hearts is an incredible conference for women geared for women who have been impacted by sexual betrayal. I highly recommend checking out their website: www.restoringheartsconference.org

The recent shootings of multiple black men and police officers in America have given rise to increased racial tensions in our society. These events, along with notions of racial reconciliation and restoration, are addressed in this rich and thought provoking discussion with Shirley Lytle, founder of Living With Purpose Counseling in Bellevue, WA. 

The Power of Being Other-Focused in Your Marriage or Dating Relationship

This podcast identified how you can be other-focused in your marriage or dating relationship and addresses why it matters in the long term. We further look at how being other-focused relates to us developing healthy and emotionally connected relationships. (Music by Sergey Cheremisinov / Creative Commons License)

The Intersection of Masculinity, Fatherhood, and Pornography

This is my interview with pastor John Hammer from Sonrise Christian Center in Everett, WA. We took the bold leap into discussing the complex issues of masculinity, fatherhood and pornography. John candidly shares his experiences in dealing with pornography and talks about how he was able to overcome his usage through the support of his father, key friendships and his Christian faith. He also highlights his most recent book, EXXXIT, which you should definitely add to your must read list. John has an incredible story and I trust you will find his insights to be encouraging, relevant, and thought provoking. (Music by Sergey Cheremisinov / Creative Commons License)

The Importance of Curiosity in Couple Communication

Curiosity is a fundamental part of healthy communication in any marriage or dating relationship. This brief podcast defines and helps you learn to apply curiosity, while addressing the key benefits that follow from interactions in which it is utilized effectively. (Music by Sergey Cheremisinov / Creative Commons License

How Empathy Improves Understanding in Marital and Dating Relationships

Empathy helps us to understand our romantic partner's perspective and facilitates heightened levels of communication and emotional connection that are simply not possible without it being applied. This podcast defines empathy and describes how you can become more effective at applying it in your relationship. (Music by Sergey Cheremisinov / Creative Commons License)