Parents, Children, and Needed Conversations About Pornography

Parents, Children, and Needed Conversations About Pornography

Parents, have you recently asked, "What can I do to protect my child from being exposed to pornography?" If so, we're of the same mind. As a father of two young boys, and Marriage & Family Therapist, I am also concerned knowing this substance has become a prevalent part of our world that can be easily accessed through many different avenues. I speak from experience, having been first exposed to porn when I was a child and having seen its effects on my life and on my marriage. The fact is that our children are extremely vulnerable, not simply to being exposed to pornography, but to the real potential of developing an addiction to it through continued usage over time.

Sacred Sexuality and The Demise of Pornography

Sacred Sexuality and The Demise of Pornography

What is sex? If you evaluated how we handle sexuality in our American society, you would probably struggle to make a distinction between sex and soap. Although this may sound ridiculous, think about it for a moment. We construct different versions of sex, we market it, we distribute it, and we sell it for profit. We have strip clubs, massage parlors, XXX movie shops, coffee stands, phone apps, television, movies and the internet as mediums in which we sell sex. Furthermore, we bathe ourselves in it, by consuming media with seemingly endless displays of sexual innuendo and exploitation. Pornography is the quintessential example in this sense. So the question we have to ask is, "Have we relegated sex to something which holds no greater value than soap?" Yes, we have.

Wisdom for Engaged Couples on Premarital Assessments

Wisdom for Engaged Couples on Premarital Assessments

If you're engaged, please understand that your relationship has never been at a more important place than it is right now. Why would I make this statement? The reason is that the foundation of every lasting marriage is laid in the early stages of its development. The steps taken by a couple during their engagement to develop heightened levels of understanding regarding each member's personality, to address points of conflict, and to learn how to effectively identify and meet each other's needs over time are absolutely priceless when it comes to building a strong emotional bond. 

The Power of Listening, Remembering and Following Through in a Relationship

The Power of Listening, Remembering and Following Through in a Relationship

Building a healthy relationship doesn't have to be difficult or complex. Although it's true that building a healthy marriage or dating partnership takes effort, the degree of difficulty is really up to you as a couple. By choosing to learn and apply foundational steps in your relationship, you can work "smarter" versus "harder" in those efforts to build and continue strengthening the emotional bond between you.

Racial Reconciliation in America and the Willingness to Listen

Racial Reconciliation in America and the Willingness to Listen

The violent deaths of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and five Dallas police officers last week, have forced all of us within the U.S. to reckon with the acute racial tensions, disparities and injustices in our nation. No longer can we assume things are better in this sense, when these atrocities indicate we are far from a state of progress. The fact is that America is still reeling from the narratives of white supremacy and the resulting effects of slavery and segregation.

Can We Stop Fighting, Please! (A CLEAVE Model of Marriage Communication)

Can We Stop Fighting, Please! (A CLEAVE Model of Marriage Communication)

Marital communication can feel incredibly complex, especially when multiple attempts at resolutions to issues seem illusive and the only thing developing is the level of tension in conversations. However, it can be helpful to think of spousal communication as being comprised of 25% information and 75% motivation or desire. I use this statement to help illustrate that much of the conflict spouses experience are often based in breakdowns in information (what they know about each other and about interpersonal communication) and motivation (their willingness to help each other feel loved, valued and understood).

How Empathy Improves Couple Communication and Understanding

How Empathy Improves Couple Communication and Understanding

When considering the relational options couples can take to improve how they communicate, there are few that help them develop needed levels of understanding like empathy. It serves as the underlying foundation for concepts such as curiosity, listening and validation, which are all important in their own right, and enables them to be effective. This article defines empathy and shows how couples can apply in to their relationship.

War of the Mind (Sin, Death and Choosing Life)

War of the Mind (Sin, Death and Choosing Life)

The beauty and power of our reconciliation with God through faith in Christ is not alway easy to fathom, since many of us would expect a just God to strictly punish us for our sins or failures. Yet, through Christ paying the penalty for our sins through his suffering and death on the cross, those who have chosen to have faith in God are forgiven of those sins and brought into a needed and life-giving fellowship with Him. This article is a brief exposition on the implications of this reconciliation on our ability to honor the Lord and choose life in the midst of the numerous temptations we face daily. 

Why Seek Christian Marriage Counseling

Why Seek Christian Marriage Counseling

Christian marriage counseling is a distinct resource for couples who desire to work towards building a healthy relationship in an environment where their biblical values will serve as an integral part of the treatment process. It fuses a Scriptural approach to marriage with empirically based methods aimed at helping couples improve their communication, rebuild trust, and strengthen their overall emotional connection. Read more...

Quickly Turning Away From Pornography and Why It Matters

Quickly Turning Away From Pornography and Why It Matters

Pornography is not something that has to bind the heart, mind or life of an individual. However, if we are serious about dealing with this phenomenon as a whole, we must understand the true starting point of such an endeavor, and it's not with pornography. Read more to learn how we can become and remain free of the bonds of pornography by quickly turning away from temptations drawing us toward it. 

The Wisdom & Beauty of Premarital Counseling

The Wisdom & Beauty of Premarital Counseling

Premarital counseling serves as one of the most unique and important elements of a couples visionary journey, by helping them wade through the deep waters of their love, and learn to carefully traverse through the daunting peaks and gaping valleys of their differences. Taking such a journey is one that requires the help, knowledge, and wisdom of those who are skilled at helping others navigate through the joyous and difficult parts of such an endeavor.