
Recognizing Our Desperate Need for Salvation

Recognizing Our Desperate Need for Salvation

The more I consider the phenomenon of human nature, individually and societally, it becomes increasingly evident mankind is in desperate need of salvation from the inescapable presence of sin. Such evidence is found within the heart, with all of its vices and intrigues externally manifested in all of the hatred, destruction, and abuses permeating the world in which we live.

The Centrality of God When Life Goes Dark

The Centrality of God When Life Goes Dark

There are moments when our lives, once filled with clarity and ambition, are slowed by the weightiness of uncertainty, distress, and a diminution of focus. This is a hard place to enter into, particularly when it is coupled with the loss of energy, the sense that everything around us is falling apart, and the complexity of the question, “Lord, what am I needing to do?” When emotionally pressed in this manner, we may easily find ourselves wondering why we are in such a position.

Psalm 51: Create in Me a Clean Heart

Psalm 51: Create in Me a Clean Heart

I woke up this morning reflecting on the nature of the soul, and the many wrestlings I find taking place in my own heart. It’s not difficult to see how there are many workings in that space needing to be addressed and taken to God in a manner whereby he can continue his work of sanctification. In the midst of this reflection, Psalm 51:10 came to mind…